Minggu, 08 April 2012

The Tragedy of Tugu Tani

Humanitarian tragedy That Occurred on January 22nd, 2012 on the street Ridwan Rais, Gambir, Central Jakarta has claimed nine lives since Daihatsu Xenia was hit by a car driven Afriyani named Susanti. That Afri her name began to be Discussed Often greeted warmly as she has hit 9 of pedestrians walking on the sidewalk. Afri suspected of taking drugs when he drove the car. There are WHO sources said the car had brake tension, and other sources say, is due to avoid the WHO children are crossing after returning from playing futsal. The latest news, Afriyani Susanti set to be the suspect was consuming drugs, ecstasy and a half grains. The woman is charged with a penalty of 12 years in prison and fined 24 million rupiah.

That tragedy remind us to not even try to use any drugs and be careful when driving a car. safety driving can safe any people and also ourself, we won't got an accident along the way . if we don't focus on driving because of the drugs effects, we will make ourself and other peoples in danger, exactly the accident. the example is the accident above, it causes 9 peoples died, and massive damage to the suspect's car. So we have to be more careful to prevent this accident happen. I think that's all about my own opinion. I hope my opinion may be useful for you, So thank you for your attention.

Zulfikar Fakhri Bismar

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